The courses gathered here can provide ideas for teaching with a “Reading With” mentality. Each course uses literature to invite connections and conversations between communities. Some classes are structured to address students from different majors; others include components that try to engage groups both on- and off-campus.
Unless otherwise noted, all courses below were originally designed and taught by Abigail Droge in a college English Department (either at Stanford University or the University of California, Santa Barbara). Click on a course title to see more resources, such as syllabi, lesson plans, assignment sheets, and sample student work.
It is my hope that visitors to this website might imagine new ways to adapt course elements for their own teaching environments. If you have ideas for repurposing these class activities or concepts, or want to share your own teaching story that might fit the mission of “Reading With,” please be in touch at!
Reading with Scientists: How to Export Literature
Uses of Literature: How to Solve Problems with Books
Reading in Santa Barbara: Past, Present, and Future
Novels vs. Dinosaurs: Narratives of Evolution in Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Science
Reading Politics: The History and Future of Literacy